Art Jock – personae/performance/web/objects (1999-2015)
For the past several years I have been concentrating on creating abstract, formal works that have an implicit relationship to my body, and more specifically, to my body in motion. The works represent my exploration of mark-making as well as my desire to harness the gesture and physicality of the sports I play. >>More

ORBY: Mission Sackville (2014)
ORBY is a image-gathering tool fashioned from readily available digital accessories – a surf camera and a GPS tracking device for hikers – that combines DIY ingenuity with a hobby scientist’s thirst for understanding of the natural world. In Orby: Mission Sackville, Orby was launched from three locations. >>More

Comfort Installation & Minimal Comforts website (2005-2012)
When I am seeking comfort, I gravitate towards structure (routine, pattern, familiarity, balance) and candy/sweets. Intrigued by the contrast between these two ways of comforting myself, I conceived a series of images, an installation, and website that would speak to this tension. >>More

Sweet Repeat (2003, 2007, 2012)
This installation uses hundreds of commercially printed postcards (of Lifesaver arrangements I created) to tile all the walls of the space. The four design iterations (two sides of two postcards) create a much larger overall pattern. >>More

Technological Exploits (2011)
ORBY is a image-gathering tool fashioned from readily available digital accessories – a surf camera and a GPS tracking device for hikers – that combines DIY ingenuity with a hobby scientist’s thirst for understanding of the natural world. In Technological Exploits Orby traveled the Exploits River in Newfoundland. >>More

You Can’t Get There From Here Redux (2007)
A performance involving a re-edited version of my single channel experimental film, You Can’t Get There From Here, and powered by a bicycle which must be pedaled continuously to keep the film running and the image bright, Redux forefronts my body and struggle as they relate to my coming of age story. >>More

Scenic Views of Hamilton (2004)
This site-specific installation that plays off of cultural expectations about what constitutes a “scenic view” and invites viewers to reconsider the aesthetic value of various urban landscapes in Hamilton, Ontario. >>More

Silent Treatments and Talking Cures (1991)
This photo and video installation attempts to articulate the precariousness of women’s relationship to language and represent the experience of feeling silenced/muted. Drawing on Surrealist photography and psychoanalysis, the piece explores the cultural production of “hysteria” and voicelessness. >>More