Appreciation: a video exchange on James St. North

by Liss Platt
(2011), 19 minutes total run time, two HD videos and three Super-8 films

I was commissioned to create five short works in response to the economic and social changes taking place in the James St. North area in Hamilton, Ontario. Appreciation: a video exchange on James St. North was conceived in response to the coexistence of traditional businesses and new art-related organizations on James North and the lack of integration between these two communities. This site-specific project involved creating rather conventional documentary portraits of long-standing businesses that were displayed in art spaces and creating more experimental Super-8 films that were displayed in the participating businesses. The goal of the project was to provide an opportunity for members of the two communities to learn about each other and enter each other’s spaces. My formal choices intentionally pushed participants out of their comfort zone as the art spaces showed conventional documentaries and the businesses showed the experimental, often silent, Super-8 films.

Location of videos:

Video Portrait: Manny  presented at Artworld Artbar, Colbourne St.
Video Portrait: Robert  presented at b Contemporary, James St. North
Blended Right  presented at Hamilton Artists Inc., James St. North
Fabric of James St. presented at Hamilton Jewellers, James St. North
Restoration Symphony presented at Jamesville Ceramics & Paint, James St. North – audio in collaboration with Victoria Fenner

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